Social Contribution Activities

To realize our business philosophy "Small but diamond bright, Everyone to share happiness", we are engaged in a wide range of social contribution.

Disaster Support

Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Jan 1995)

Water supply activities using ISO tank containers were conducted in Kobe and Takarazuka Cities.

Large Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China (May 2008)

ISO tank containers were used to supply water which was greatly appreciated by the Chinese authorities and was widely reported by the Japanese media.

Great East Japan Earthquake (March 2011)

We offered support by making use of our operations, such as providing IBCs for water supply to the disaster-stricken areas and transportation of fishing boats.

Heavy Rain in Western Japan (Jun-July 2018)

52 IBC Poly Tanks were supplied to Uwajima City which were used as water supply bases in water-interrupted areas.

Noto Peninsula earthquake (Jan 2024)

Japan Dangerous Goods Container Association, of which NRS serves as the secretariat, proposed support cooperation to Japan Hazardous Materials Logistics Association, and procured 45 IBC polyethylene tanks to support water supply.

Our employees visited evacuation centers and nursery schools in Suzu City and Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, listened to the needs of the evacuees and promptly set up an environment for immediate use.

Matching Gifts

We conduct matching donations in which the company matches the amount donated by employees.

A public interest incorporated educational organization that provides a safe place to spend time and learning opportunities to children who are facing difficulties throughout Japan.

Foundation for Traffic accident Orphans
A public interest incorporated association that provides financial support to children orphaned by accidents who have financial difficulties in attending school.

Médecins Sans Frontières Japan
A private, non-profit international organization that provides independent, neutral and impartial medical and humanitarian aid.

Japan Powerchair Football Association:
A general incorporated association that supports and promotes powerchair football as the governing organization for powerchair football in Japan.

Japan Committee for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund)
The Japan Committee for UNICEF, a public interest incorporated association, is the national committee in Japan for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), which works in over 190 countries and territories to protect the lives and rights of every child.

Donations for Victims of Large-scale Disasters in Japan and Abroad.

Organizations We Support

Japan Powerchair Football Association

We have signed a sponsorship agreement with the Japan Powerchair Football Association since 2017. In addition to contributing to the promotion of sports for people with disabilities, we provide our employees with opportunities to deepen their understanding and positive attitude toward supporting people with disabilities.
We received an award of appreciation for our contribution to Japanese football at the 100th anniversary awards of the Japan Football Association in September 2021.

WWF Japan

We support WWF’s environmental conservation activities as a corporate member of WWF Japan since 2008. WWF is an environmental conservation organization operating in more than 100 countries and was established in 1961.
Aiming for a future in which people and nature can live in harmony, the WWF works to restore the richness of biodiversity that is being lost and to prevent global warming.

Japan National Trust

We are supporting the activities of Japan National Trust as a supporting member since 2022.
Japan National Trust is an organization that aims to preserve and utilize Japan’s outstanding cultural assets and natural landscapes for future generations.
(Photo: "The Trust Train," Japan’s first SL train and historic carriages preserved through citizen participation. In collaboration with railroad operators, the organization is working to preserve and utilize them for public interest.)

Blood Donation, Food Loss Prevention Activities, and Others

  • ● Conducting blood donation activities: In recognition of our achievements, we were registered as a blood donation supporter by the Japanese Red Cross Society in May 2017.
  • ● Food bank activities: Donation of surplus emergency food to Second Harvest Japan
  • ● Collecting unposted postcards, and used books for donation
  • ● An internal award system to encourage employees to take an active role

Contributing to the Local Community

We are a member of the Chiyoda Volunteer Club run by the Chiyoda Ward Council of Social Welfare, and are working to strengthen cooperation with the local community through volunteer activities.

  • ● Participation in the Chiyoda Ward Cleanup Day
  • ● Participation in the Chiyoda Ward Welfare Festival
  • ● NRS band performances at senior citizens' homes and facilities for the disabled

Contributing to Society at Global Sites

Our group companies in the United States, Europe, Asia and other regions are engaged in environmental protection activities and disaster relief that are needed in each region.

Tree palning activities in Thailand (NRS LOGISTICS (THAILAND) CO., LTD.)

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